Get Paid to Take Photos

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Photography Jobs That You Can Get Into

Submitted by: Low Jeremy

It is not true that there is no money in photography. For those who are truly gifted, fame and fortune is easily achieved. In fact, there are a number of photographers who have reached the top of their field. There are actually a number of jobs that a photographer can get into. Pictures and visuals are important in most media and talented “lens” men are very much in demand in the market especially now with the age of multimedia.

Below are just some of the areas where photographers can get into and believe it, one can earn big bucks in each!

Magazine and newspaper photographer

Although it is more lucrative to do freelance photography, it is best for photographers who are ,just starting out to first establish contacts and build a name through magazines and newspapers. This is also the best place to earn experience in photography as you will encounter different kinds as well as interact with different kinds of people.

Newspaper photography is harder and more spontaneous compared to magazine photography, which is primarily shot in locations. When working for newspapers, one must be able to develop an eye for photos that will capture the readers attention as well as tell a story with its images.

Advertising agency

Another area where a photographer can get into is to work for an advertising agency where they will be conceptualizing ads for campaigns. One can start as a photographer and then gradually climb up through the ranks. One can even become an art director or if there is talent in conceptualizing, even a supervisor for overall operations.

Fashion shoots

A photographer can also work in fashion shoots. With much experience, they can even conceptualize a shoot and be its overall director. Most fashion houses hire photographers when coming up with a new collection for the season.

Event Photographer

Events like concerts and special occasions like weddings and debuts will require photographers who will document the event. Pictures are actually a large part of the preparation for the event and is almost as essential as the food.

Freelance photographer

Although it will be harder for photographers that are just new in the field to establish a career as a freelance photographer, there are a number of markets where they can contribute their work. For instance, most international agencies like UNICEF hire photographers to document their various projects in far-flung areas. There are also some who are hired to contribute generic photographs that will be used in newsletters and brochures.

About the Author: This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on photography & other useful information, please visit


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